Friday, February 28, 2014

Pausing for the Week (3)

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This week is my pause from blogging here, in order to focus more on my other work: Theory of Algorithms and The Core Algorithm.

What do you pause for, and how often do you do so?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pausing for the Week (2)

(image credit)

This week is my pause from blogging here, in order to focus more on my other work: Theory of Algorithms and The Core Algorithm.

What do you pause for, and how often do you do so?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pausing for the Week (1)

(image credit)

This week is my pause from blogging here, in order to focus more on my other work: Theory of Algorithms and The Core Algorithm.

What do you pause for, and how often do you do so?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Google+ people are engaging and responsive

Reference: Pin of the Day, by Jeff Sieh.

I am very active on social media, and Google+ is far and away the best of the lot for me.  The main reason is, People are more engaging and responsive.  But as Mike Allton suggests regarding social, following and sharing, one has to mirror that engagement and responsiveness.    

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reflect on what you want

Reference: Think before you add or share a circle, by Karl Louis.

Louis' post is mainly about respecting copyright, and steering you into a particular set of wants.  That is certainly well and good, as his post aims to persuade you in a certain, decidedly better direction.  

But who is to say what you really want?  You may or may not be keen on what Louis says, but his topmost question is still an important one for you to reflect on as it relates to social media.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Clarify what you want to accomplish

Reference: Steps to a Successful Social Media Strategy, by Rebekah Radice.

I appreciate any strategy that begins with goals, for instance, weighing the question: What are you trying to accomplish?  You may be inclined to ask this vis-a-vis social media, and that's perfectly fine.  But I'd encourage you to ask a more important first set of questions:

  • What are you trying to accomplish with your business, organization, brand etc, and how does social media help in this regard?  
  • What else do you need to do to accomplish what you want to accomplish?  
  • How does social media fit in among your initiatives or action steps?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Best web design agencies in Hong Kong

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So, just in case you're in Hong Kong and have a design need, here's a talent pool to tap into.  Then, again, you don't need to be in Hong Kong to avail of their services.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Ahrvey is between total DIY and expensive design

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However, growth of web designing industry is diversified and many companies have started rolling out Web Design in a form of ready product. Now a user can create [their] own website either by buying a ready design template or using any do-it-your design tool. Moreover the whole process takes much lesser time and investment compare to traditional styled custom website design practice. 
Yet, just 3% of websites are created using do-it-yourself platforms. Many users find the complete process of designing website via do-it-yourself tool tedious and refrain themselves from future adoption of any other similar tools. Therefore, B2C website design market is still struggling to find a sizeable market share and most of these tools are used by other web design companies who are well-aware of basics of designs and are seasoned professionals.
Reference: The DIY Web Design Is A Billion Dollar Industry Now!

Hey, what do you know, this is where Ahrvey comes in.  It fits in that space of website and blog design between total DIY and expensive shop.  E-mail me now at!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Social media dilemma for major brands

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I am just amazed by the number of companies who completely ignore the power of social media to disrupt marketing campaigns. Take the Winter Games, which opens on Friday, as a case in point. 
With the Sochi Olympics marred by the anti-gay laws in Russia, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Visa, Procter & Gamble and other big advertisers are being pilloried by gay rights activists for sponsoring the games. In a textbook social media maneuver the activists have hijacked the Olympics marketing with a well-orchestrated campaign.
Reference: For Coke And McDonald's, Ignoring The Power Of Social Media To Disrupt Means No Medals In Sochi.

I think marketing consultant Avi Dan overstates the point about "completely ignore."  Still, sponsors do have a dilemma: How to cheer Olympic athletes, advance their brands, and appease advocacy groups?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

From Biggest Loser, to social media lightning rod

Rachel Fredrickson

`The Biggest Loser is a nearly 10-year old show, where contestants compete to lose the greatest percent of their initial body weight.  Rachel Fredrickson was a recent winner, and apparently became a lightning rod on social media for sentiments on body weight, image and health.
A day after Rachel Fredrickson won the latest season of "The Biggest Loser," after shedding nearly 60 percent of her body weight, attention wasn't focused on her $250,000 win — but rather the criticism surrounding her loss. 
Experts cautioned that regardless of her current weight, the criticism being levied on social media about her losing too much isn't helpful. A more constructive message is needed, they say, centering on body image and healthy living. 
The 5-foot-4, 24-year-old Frederickson dropped from 260 pounds to 105 under the show's rigorous exercise and diet regimen — but also time spent on her own before the finale. She was a three-time state champion swimmer at Stillwater Area High School in Minnesota, and said she turned to sweets for solace after a failed romance and gained the weight over several years. 
Frederickson's newly thin frame lit up Twitter on Wednesday, with many viewers pointing to the surprised expressions on the faces of trainers Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper during the show's Tuesday night finale. Many tweeted that Fredrickson looked anorexic and unhealthy, while others congratulated her for dropping 155 pounds.
Reference: Social Media Erupts Over 'Biggest Loser' Weight Loss.

Somebody may be the lightning rod, but social media is the forum in which we react openly.

Monday, February 3, 2014

How you say what you say matters in social media

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If you plan to use all caps: My advice is to make sure you have the stuff to back it up. All caps on the Internet will always be considered shouting, so shout smart if you are going to shout. DiGiorno on Twitter was widely praised for this: @DiGiornoPizza: YO, THIS GAME IS LIKE A DIGIORNO PIZZA BECAUSE IT WAS DONE AFTER TWENTY MINUTES #SuperBowI #SuperSmack #DiGiorNOYOUDIDNT 
Here's my question to anyone considering such a treatment: Did the all caps do anything other than make people talk about and wonder why DiGiorno needed to use all caps? I don't think so. I think the message is completely lost and the all caps becomes the feature. That may work for you, but then again it may not.
Reference: Social media lessons from the Super Bowl.

How you tweet (e.g., with caps) matters as much as what you tweet (i.e., your message).