Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How LinkedIn works, what's in it for you (2)

Step 2 is about laying out the roadmap to reaching their end in mind.  The Core Algorithm recommends a walk backwards process to map the pathways, beginning with those actions or activities that have an immediate impact on reaching that end.  Then, they walk a step back further to identify intermediate impact actions or activities, which lead to or give rise to that immediate impact.  Finally, they identify catalyst impact, that is, those actions or activities, from where they are in the present, which get them moving in the right direction.  

The point of K.I.S.S. is to make sure the roadmap is practical and actionable as well as correct and effective vis-a-vis their end in mind.  There is so much about LinkedIn to learn and do, but again I kept things basic, so as to level the playing field for the business members in attendance.  I encouraged them to be patient, for example, and create their profiles over a number of sittings.  It took me several efforts to get mine to where I needed it to be, and I was happy to share that for 2012, my profile was among the 5% most viewed in 200-million member community.  

The fact that those on LinkedIn have greater discretionary income was of interest to business members, and the fact that job seekers and recruiters alike were on LinkedIn was my way of encouraging them even more strongly to get on LinkedIn, too. 

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