Monday, January 5, 2015

Clarify your purpose and message for blogging

(image credit)
Pratik Dholakiya doesn't quite speak to either art or science in Blogging Is an Art But Attracting the Right Audience Is a Science, but he offers thoughtful questions to ask yourself and sound advice on blogging effectively.
You can’t find the right people until you know exactly what you stand for and are making it clear in unambiguous terms.
This is a crucial point, as it speaks to your purpose for blogging to begin with.  If you're just starting out, it may take a bit of time, that is, for reflection and revision, to clarify what it is that you want to accomplish and what message you want to convey.  While the science of blogging may be about examining data analysis and taking a systematic approach (e.g. which articles draw the most views, where do many of the visitors come from), the art is about drawing on your intuition and creativity to make it work for you vis-a-vis your purpose (e.g. what do you sense matters most to your target audience, how can you best influence them with your ideas).

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