Friday, November 22, 2013

Kristi Stalter blogs into fashion success

Kristi Stalter
By day, she is a bright, energetic 24-year-old who teaches second grade at Stevenson Elementary in Bloomington, a lifelong Twin Citian who went to Bent School and University High before moving on to a liberal arts college in Indiana. 
Then there’s Kristi by night and weekends. 
That is when, while quietly seated behind a laptop in her Bloomington home, out of the glitz and lights of such worldly fashion capitals as Paris, London or NYC, Kristi runs a highly popular fashion blog. 
It attracts up to 20,000 views a day, has sponsors, gets her free clothes, counts notables and celebs among its “fans” (Emily Maynard, most recently of ABC’s “The Bachelorette,” is a regular visitor) and more recently led to a series of tweets, posts and even a blurb on the sports-gossip site that romantically linked Kristi to Clay Matthews, the star linebacker for the Green Bay Packers.
Reference: Flick: She’s blogging her way into fashion fame.

Bill Flick writes a wonderful story about Kristi Stalter, who has apparently made herself into a blogging success.  The Coral Court is straightforward, and simply set on Blogger.  She isn't a professional model, and her photographer may not be professional, either.  But she makes for a very pretty look with the everyday fashion that she showcases.     

What underpins her success?
  • She is genuine and earnest as a person, and her blog speaks to everyday life.  So much of what passes for high fashion in Paris, New York or Hong Kong runways are simply not wearable.
  • She brings her blogging to life with her colleagues and friends.  After all, fashion may be admired, learned and sold online, but it's about actually wearing it.  
  • She doles out a warm, positive spirit: 
Kristi’s blog is not about glitz and high glamor, but instead work-a-day wear and simply looking nice. Or as she puts it, “creating an environment for positive female relationships ... and being confident in life, including how you dress.”

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