Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Do what works best for your blogging

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In reference to Have Writer's Block? Here Are 5 Ways to Come Up With New Story Ideas. I blog quite a lot, and I do so regularly.  My algorithm (strategy) is to do what works for me.  I read and watch stuff everyday, as I've nurtured my curiosity for years.  I think about things regularly, and write often in any of my many journals.  I'm in the midst of a very hectic stretch, but I enjoy going out there, hobnobbing with people, and observing things.  In recent years, I've increasingly schooled myself to write everything electronically, that is, on laptop and mobile, and in fact hardly hand write anything anymore.   I keep as close to paperless at my desk as possible, so no pencils or crumpling anywhere.  I do have writer's block, but thankfully only once in a blue moon.  So what works for you best to keep the rhythm of your blogging going? 

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