Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Verizon knows she's pretty brilliant

"Our words can have a huge impact. Isn't it time we told her she's pretty brilliant, too? Encourage her love of science and technology and inspire her to change the world."-- Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code. 
The United States has fallen significantly behind the rest of the world when it comes to the STEM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Just as startling is that girls are even less involved in STEM majors and careers than their male counterparts, as women hold less than 25% of our country's STEM jobs. Working together, let's encourage more girls to get involved with STEM and choose careers that build a brighter future.
I posted this Verizon promotional video on Google+ recently:

If you're a parent, a teacher, or a coach, I hope you don't say these things to girls in your life.

My wife and I have a 15-year old daughter, and we've done our best, since even before she was born, to nurture her, protect her, and encourage her.  For instance, we'd talk to her, caress her, and read to her, while she was still in the womb.  Along the way, we've emphasized school, and activities, and friendships, and we are so blessed to have just a fine young lady in our lives.

So the message in this video is disturbing to me, and thankfully there is no such issue with our daughter.  I hope, however, that many other parents, teachers and coaches heed its powerful message, and change their remarks, if not attitude, in relation to girls.

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