Monday, September 15, 2014

Tips for adults on keeping children safe online

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Mashable offers parents, teachers and counselors sound advice in 6 Expert Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on Social Media:
  1. You may not like Facebook or Twitter, and may not have a clue as to how they work.  But if you have children, or are responsible for them, then you must learn and get involved in social media.  
  2. Set a reasonable but clear age limit, and do so based on how much your children show responsibility, knowledge and maturity.  
  3. Keep your guidance balanced: that is, talk about the benefits, enjoyment and purpose of social media, while making sure your children are aware of its risks and dangers. 
  4. Place the computer in a visible area in your home.  But if you've purchased an iPhone, Galaxy Note, or other smartphone for your children, they have a computer in their hands.  So make sure they're using such devices wisely.
  5. Set guidelines or rules is de rigueur.
  6. Check your children's privacy settings.  Of course, teach them what these settings mean, why they're important, and how to use them.   
Again, like it or not, know that social media, plus mobile devices are part of growing up in countries like the US.  As parents, teachers and counselors, you have the responsibility and the authority to manage their use of these things. 

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