Monday, March 31, 2014

Mihai-Cristian Micle does it well with freshome

[Mihai-Christian Micle] says: “Since 2007 the internet has evolved massively, and the competition is much more fierce. Developing a website that is compatible with multiple devices including mobile devices, and the way that you market and promote your website, across so many social networks, is completely different. 
“Although entrepreneurs today have so much more information available on how to create, promote and grow a blog, doing it is so much more complex than it was in 2007. I’m glad I did it when I did.” 
There are lessons to draw from this Forbes article on Micle - A 'Fresh' Approach From The Romanian Entrepreneur Who Made Blogging Pay:
  • Whatever you blog about, it must be something you're innately passionate about.  Even though my time is pressed, I find myself compelled, even pulled internally, to blog about things that matter most to me.
  • The route to success is often circuitous, often a matter of stops-and-starts.  Issues and problems will arise, so solve them step by step and keep going forward.  From changing the size of YouTube videos on Blogger, to uploading photos on Tumblr more efficiently, I've managed to figure things out. 
  • So much of success seems so accidental, or fortuitous, or simply lucky, in retrospect.  That may very be the case.  But I'd like to believe that there is purpose to things, and maybe fate has a hand in what happens.  I often reflect on this, and pray to God for guidance and support.

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